Welcome to Most Holy Redeemer and St Dominic Church
All the people in this Directory may be contacted via the Parish Office or the website coordinator unless otherwise indicated.
You can also type your enquiry into the following form and it will email the website coordinator who will forward your enquiry: contact form
Altar Servers
A useful link: Guild of St. Stephen, Brentwood Diocese
If you would like your child baptised please contact Fr Joseph for more information.
Children’s Liturgy
Our Children’s Liturgy takes place each Sunday in the Parish Hall during the 9 am at St Dominic’s Church and 11 am at Most Holy Redeemer Church
Mass and all children are welcome.
Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection (Safeguarding)
As a result of the Nolan Report, there are now established Protection Procedures for Children and Vulnerable Adults in our Diocese. The Child Protection Officer for Most Holy Redeemer and St Dominic’s Parish is Lizzy Hill. The Protection Officer for the Diocese is Simon Moules.
If you have any concerns about the protection of children and vulnerable adults in our Parish please contact Liz Hill
The Folk group at St Dominic’s Church at 9 am Mass and Most Holy Redeemer’s Church organist and choir at 11 am both contribute magnificently to hymns and music at both Sunday and other special occasions on request. Enthusiasm is more important than a perfect voice. Singers and musicians are always welcome. Please contact Fr Joseph.
Volunteers required for Church cleaning & cleaning Team Leader – Please contact Fr Joseph if you can spare approx. an hr per week.
Church Hall
Speak to Fr Joseph or leave a message for him
For more information contact on See Fr Joseph.
We have many Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in our Parish helping with taking Communion to the sick and also taking Eucharistic Services in the Church and assisting with the distribution at the Masses. If you know of anybody who is sick and cannot make Mass through illness or is housebound, please contact FR Joseph.
We have a First Holy Communion programme for the children of the Parish each year. Please see Paula Jones.
Flower Group
We are a small group but would welcome new members. Experience is not necessary but enthusiasm and a willingness to learn are essential, see Theresa Murray for details.
Gift Aid
This scheme allows the Parish to reclaim the taxable part of your offerings from the Inland Revenue, at no cost or inconvenience to yourself. There is no commitment to a specific amount of money for a given period of time. The donor uses numbered envelopes supplied by the parish Gift Aid organiser or standing order. The envelopes enable you to plan your contribution in advance. Alternatively, a standing order can be organised for a monthly contribution to the Parish, which saves on cash handling/administration and means your payment is never missed.
The Parish can gain a further 28p for every £1 contributed under this scheme. The Declaration can run indefinitely but can be cancelled at any time if personal circumstances change.
The requirements of the scheme are:
- The completion of a simple form – A Gift Aid Declaration
- The donor must pay income tax equal to the amount being reclaimed each year.
Please contact Chris Spence (Most Holy Redeemer church) and Mariam (St Dominic) and through the Church Office if you would like further details, or to join the scheme, or if you wish to organise a standing order.
Guild of St. Stephen
Altar Server’s are required at all masses and in all mass centres. The only qualification required to serve on the altar is that you have taken your first holy communion.
After 1 year you take your vows as a member of the guild and receive your Bronze medal.
All hospitals have a Catholic Chaplain. If you would like a Priest to visit you the hospital can arrange this for you. Or contact the Church Office.
A wide range of pamphlets, religious items, cards for all special occasions and Mass cards are available from the Repository Shop located at the back of the church after masses every Sunday.
If you are thinking of getting married, please contact Fr. Joseph via the Church Office for details of marriage preparation.
Rosary Group
The group meet each Monday at 7 pm at St Anthony’s Parish Hall at 7 pm. The Rosary Group has been in the Parish for more than 25 years. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Parish Newsletter
Each week we produce a Parish Newsletter which keeps us up-to-date with what is happening in our Parish. If you would like any events or special occasions mentioned, please contact the Church Office.
Parish Social Activities
We always enjoy Parish celebrations. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can celebrate and have more fun activities please contact Theresa Murray via the Church Office.
Please contact Fr. Joseph via the Church Office.
Repository (Shop)
A wide range of pamphlets, religious items, cards for all special occasions and Mass cards are available from the Repository Shop located at the back of the church. Opening times are after mass every Sunday.
Contact the repository team via the Church Office.
St Ursula’s Catholic Primary School
Straight Road
Telephone: 01708 343170
St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
This active group meets regularly throughout the year and helps families in need, visits the sick and housebound and offers a variety of practical support. New members are always very welcome. To join or find out more, please contact Philomena.
Society is grateful for all the money raised at the 2019 Race Night and Maundy collection.
Tea and Coffee